
Board Address Phone
Agricultural Commission & Community Garden (978) 544-6437
Board of Assessors
24 S. Main Street
New Salem, MA 01355
(978) 544-5814
Board of Health
Employment Opportunities
19 S. Main Street
New Salem, MA 01355
Board of Health (978) 544-9673
Board of Selectmen
Board of Selectmen
19 S. Main Street
New Salem, MA 01355
(978) 544-6437
Broadband Committee
Broadband Committee
19 S. Main Street
New Salem, MA 01355
(978) 544-6437
Cemetery Commission (978) 544-6437
Conservation Commission
Council On Aging (978) 544-7736,
Betsy Pelz, Chair
Cultural Council Email:
Energy Committee
Finance Committee
Stowell Building
15 South Main
Historical Commission
Stowell Building
19 S. Main Street
New Salem, MA 01355
(978) 544-6437
Library Board of Trustees
New Salem Public Library
23 S. Main Street
New Salem, MA 01355
(978) 544-6334
Old Home Day Committee
OSRP Committee
Stowell Building
19 S. Main St.
New Salem, MA 01355
Planning Board
Planning Board
19 S. Main Street
New Salem, MA 01355
(978) 544-6437
Police Future Committee (978) 544-6437
19 S. Main Street
New Salem, MA 01355
(978) 544-6437
Technology Committee
Tree Committee
Veteran's Memorial Committee
Zoning Board of Appeals
Zoning Board of Appeals
19 S. Main Street
New Salem, MA 01355
ZBA: (978) 799-5332
Building Inspector: (978) 544-6296
Plumbing & Gas Inspector: (508) 596-1239
Wiring Inspector: (978) 790-2009