Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 21, 2022

Town of New Salem Selectboard

Meeting Minutes

 March 21, 2022

Held Virtually via Zoom

Convened: 7:00 pm

Present: Randy Gordon, Wayne Hachey, Hugh Mackay, Selectboard; Kathy Neal, Town Coordinator; Joe Cuneo, Fire Chief; Claire McGinnis, Finance Committee; Jen Potee, Karyn Briand, Board of Health; David Cramer, Planning Board; Lisa Finestone, Tree Committee; Marny Ashburne; Pam DeGregorio; Susan Cloutier; Karen Stevens

Selectboard Reviewed & Signed the Following:

  • Payroll & Vendor Warrants

Discussion Items

Date of Annual Town Meeting

Kathy reported there have been numerous requests for this date and asked of the Selectboard had any tentative dates in mind. Randy responded that usually several officials need to be consulted beyond the Selectboard. He noted those include the Town Clerk, the Town Moderator, etc. He recalled that we usually schedule it for a Monday evening with the potential for more than one night. Hugh noted it’s usually called for a date in June. Kathy was pretty certain it was in the second half of June. Wayne asked if a May date might be agreeable this year. Randy and Hugh suggested a Monday in June for consistencies sake. Further as Kathy reminded, the Commonwealth’s budget numbers for things like aid aren’t usually ready until June anyway. It was agreed to consult the necessary officials to see if a Monday in June works.


Kathy reported that the town won’t be effected beyond our representation in the General Court. Sadly, the biggest loss is our State Rep. Instead of having that person based in Athol/Orange, they’ll be based in Ludlow. We’ll still be in Franklin County, of course, and also with FRCOG. Randy noted it doesn’t make a huge difference as we’ve always collaborated with Athol and Orange, this won’t change that. Kathy agreed and reminded that the current State Rep. for the district New Salem is being added to is running for a different office. So it’s a new person no matter what. Wayne suggested talking to the State Senator. It appears the redistricting has not shifted New Salem out of our current Senate district. Hugh agreed with the idea of talking to Senator Comerford. He stressed we’ve been happy with Rep. Whips. But it is what it is. Kathy agreed to talk to the State Senators office.

Proposed Cover of Annual Town Report

Wayne suggested the consideration that the town dedicate the report to Dorothy Johnson to be featured on the cover. We have a nice picture of her and a blurb that’s been done to explain who she was. Kathy agreed it was a nice tribute. She was a member of the Selectboard, a Library Trustee, and a member of the Board of Registrars. She was also a local author and wrote about the Quabbin Reservoir. It was agreed a dedication to her would be appropriate.

One Stop for Growth Grant Application

Kathy noted that the expression of interest date has passed, but the actual submission date of the grant hasn’t passed. Randy asked if our missing that means we can’t apply. Kathy responded it doesn’t preclude us from applying. She noted her conversations with Jake Cooley, the Highway Chief, and he’d suggested seeking funding for some culverts and a few other items for finishing the highway barn. He provided some estimates. Plus, for the culverts we had that FRCOG study. About 19 percent of our culverts are in need of repair and a fair amount beyond that in need. Highway Dept. can do the work; we just need funds. These grants are aimed at small towns. Wayne interjected to ask if this grant requires something like a stream or fish that passes through. Kathy responded this grant doesn’t have these requirements. The ultimate deadline for the grant application is in June. The categories we can apply for are pretty broad. Hugh felt if Jake Cooley had the data and was willing to work with Kathy on it that it made sense to seek the grant funds for that purpose. Randy generally concurred.

Animal Inspector Vacancy

Kathy reported that we have this vacancy as a result of the fact that we separated it from the Animal Control Officer position when we joined the County Sherriff program. MDAR is now looking for the town to appoint a new Inspector. The Board of Health appoints this office. The Inspector does the barn inspections and checks on large domestic animals in town. Jen agreed that Board of Health should look into the matter. She couldn’t recall as an owner of such animals having gone through a barn inspection and felt it important to address that.  Karyn agreed noting she also has large domesticated farm animals and hasn’t seen an inspection. It should be done going forward. Kathy reminded there is training that has to be done for this as well. Randy recalled there might have been a stipend for it too, but few could remember if that was the case. Wayne concurred and noted that any missed inspections could have been the result of past inspectors not being fully aware of animals present. New Salem is actually a large land mass. It was agreed to do some research on the role and to try and find someone suitable. In the meantime, research on any stipend should also be done.

Board of Health Update

Wayne started off by reporting about a dog bite which occurred in town. Jen responded she didn’t receive that notice and Board of Health is supposed to receive that information. Kathy responded that was an oversight. She’d thought Jen was cc’d in the email sent out. Wayne reminded we have a significant number of dogs in town that aren’t registered and as such we don’t know if they’re properly vaccinated. The whole point of the licensing scheme in Massachusetts is to ensure rabies vaccination. Marney asked about the well matter at Swift River Elementary. She was specifically asking about the proposal to pump down the well and what would be done with the water pumped out. Jen responded she couldn’t fully answer that question. The engineer in charge of this is Chris Stoddard. The timeline is to do this in April during the vacation period. The idea is to look at the casing of the well. That said she agreed to ask Chris. She promised to then get back to Marney. Jen then turned to a problem of illegal dumping in several areas of town. She noted Branch Bridge Rd., Fay Rd., and Meacham Rd. Board of Health intends to sponsor a town wide cleanup around Earth Day. She noted that any citizen who wishes to help with such cleanup can bring the trash to the Transfer Station.

ARPA Funds Discussion

Randy reported on this regular item. We don’t have really any new updates on this front. The town is mostly focused at the moment on a generator for Fire Dept., a new steal causeway/walkway for Transfer Station, and are still open to any new or additional items.

Old Academy Building

Hugh reported that he’s scheduled with a gentleman who can help with this project. It’s in a few weeks. Wayne asked about a window on the second floor. Kathy briefly reported on it. There’s a window on the second floor where the top portion of the glass pane is gone. Randy noted that it was noticed but we aren’t currently aware of the cause. He asked if anyone had been dispatched to look at it. Kathy responded she’d checked it out from the exterior and didn’t find any glass. She asked Dan Hammock from the New Salem Trustees to send someone to look at it from the interior. She hasn’t yet heard back.

Ralph C. Mahar Regional School District Budget Presentation

Randy, on an unanticipated item, briefly reported on an upcoming meeting. It’s virtual and is on March 24, 2022. Mahar is attempting to better communicate on its budget needs with the towns. This is to address their assessment for FY23. Hugh asked if the Finance Committee is included. Kathy responded that they have been asked as well. The Selectboard and Finance Committee were both invited.

State of Emergency Question

Randy reported this bit of old business that came up at the last meeting and the town did lift the state of emergency back in June. We did it about the same time the Commonwealth lifted its state of emergency.

Next Meeting Virtual or Not?

Randy asked in relation to this unanticipated item, if the meetings should shift back to in person. Wayne suggested waiting a little longer just because we don’t know how Omicron “Stealth” will shake out just yet. Hugh tended to feel the virtual meetings are more inclusive as more folks tune in from home than come to the meetings in person. He likes that, but wasn’t opposed to returning to in person. Randy asked Kathy when the deadline to returning to in person is. Kathy responded it’s towards the end of year. Karyn suggested a hybrid option. Randy noted that there are a few things to consider. There was also a question of where, if the Selectboard should meet in the Town Hall basement or the Stowell Building. Lisa suggested considering the Library’s Community Room. Randy wasn’t clear on the capabilities of the town to do something like a hybrid. Hugh recalled the Friends of the Library helped get a nice setup for this. We also have a better system there for sound and projection paid for by the New Salem Academy. Randy suggested it be considered a bit and the Selectboard think about the options and then make a decision. Hugh agreed, but noted if we do a hybrid the Library’s Community Room may be the best forum.

FRCOG Master Plan Update

Hugh briefly reported on this unanticipated item. FRCOG has sent us a Master Plan outline and they are happy to help us do a new and current plan. It takes about 6 months according to FRCOG. The plans are good for about 10 years once done. We had indicated that we’d like to do this via our DLTA grant application. Hugh noted he’s tried in the past to get the town to do this and supports the town doing it. Randy recalled we might have done something on this about 15 years ago. Certainly any work started would need to be rebooted at this point.


The Selectboard reviewed the minutes for March 7, 2022. The Selectboard saw no reason not to accept them as written and determined to do so.

A motion was made by Wayne to approve the minutes of March 7, 2022 as written. Hugh seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

A motion to adjourn at 7:48 pm was made by Wayne. The motion was seconded by Hugh and passed without objection.

Respectfully Submitted

Jakob K. Hamm, Selectboard Clerk